Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Examples of vocabulary

1. In my opinion a myth is an ancient story or and old religious belief
2. A modern day hero would be a fire fighter saving someone from death in a burning building
3. The hero's journey is the path in life he had to travel to become a hero
4. Something that is universal would be would be death because every thing in this world will have to die sometime
5. Archetype is like a foundation to a house u need it before u can build anything
6. An alarm clock is cyclical because everyday at the same time it goes off and wakes you up
7. A ying yang would be th perfect example of duality
8. In science the big bang theory is an example of cration
9. Cosmology is the study of the universe so some scientists could be called cosmoligists
10. Sacrifice would be like someone giving their life to save an infant
11. Getting life out of death would be like how certian flowers die so that their seeds would make new life when the next flower grows

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