Monday, December 1, 2008

Vikings :
One of a seafaring Scandinavian people who raided the coasts of northern and western Europe from the eighth through the tenth century.

Ginnungagap :a primordial void, filled with mists, existing between Niflheim and Muspelheim.

Nifleheim :

a place of eternal cold, darkness, and fog, ruled over by Hel: abode of those who die of illness or old age.

Muspellheim :it is the relm of fire and the land of the fire giants

Yggdrasil :it is the world ash tree.

Asgard :it is the home of the gods and the only way to get there was by crossing a rainbow bridge gaurded by heimdall

Midgard :the land of humans which was surounded by oceans

Hel :the underworld a.k.a the land of the dead

Bifrost Bridge:it is the rianbow brige leading from midgard to asgard

Ymir :the primevil gaint which his body parts were made into different parts of the earth

Odin:he was considerd the cheif god of all norse mythology

Frigg :the mother godess and wife of odin

The Valkyries :the daughters of odin

The Norns :the 3 godesses of fate

Thor :the god of thunder

Balder :a god the son of odin and frigg

Njord :the god of winds navigation and prosparity

Frey :the god of peace and marriage

Freya :the goddess of love and ferility sister of frey

Idunn :a goddess and keeper of the apples of youth

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