Monday, December 1, 2008

Vikings :
One of a seafaring Scandinavian people who raided the coasts of northern and western Europe from the eighth through the tenth century.

Ginnungagap :a primordial void, filled with mists, existing between Niflheim and Muspelheim.

Nifleheim :

a place of eternal cold, darkness, and fog, ruled over by Hel: abode of those who die of illness or old age.

Muspellheim :it is the relm of fire and the land of the fire giants

Yggdrasil :it is the world ash tree.

Asgard :it is the home of the gods and the only way to get there was by crossing a rainbow bridge gaurded by heimdall

Midgard :the land of humans which was surounded by oceans

Hel :the underworld a.k.a the land of the dead

Bifrost Bridge:it is the rianbow brige leading from midgard to asgard

Ymir :the primevil gaint which his body parts were made into different parts of the earth

Odin:he was considerd the cheif god of all norse mythology

Frigg :the mother godess and wife of odin

The Valkyries :the daughters of odin

The Norns :the 3 godesses of fate

Thor :the god of thunder

Balder :a god the son of odin and frigg

Njord :the god of winds navigation and prosparity

Frey :the god of peace and marriage

Freya :the goddess of love and ferility sister of frey

Idunn :a goddess and keeper of the apples of youth

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Securing Fire

Securing Fire is a Native American myth from the Apache tribe. It is the story of how they came to have fire, it starts out that coyotes, birds, and hawks were all people and the tribe invited all of the other tribes nearby to come join them and play games at their camp. They told everyone who was coming to bring fire, and once everyone arrived they made a great fire and the games began. While everyone was playing and not paying attention to their fire coyote come down and lit a torch that he had and ran off with the fire and ran as fast as he could and brought fire to all the nearby tribes who didn’t have it before. And now every one is of great thanks to the coyote.

“Securing Fire” Indian Mythology 1918 11-7-08 myths and tales from the San Carlos Apache

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Examples of vocabulary

1. In my opinion a myth is an ancient story or and old religious belief
2. A modern day hero would be a fire fighter saving someone from death in a burning building
3. The hero's journey is the path in life he had to travel to become a hero
4. Something that is universal would be would be death because every thing in this world will have to die sometime
5. Archetype is like a foundation to a house u need it before u can build anything
6. An alarm clock is cyclical because everyday at the same time it goes off and wakes you up
7. A ying yang would be th perfect example of duality
8. In science the big bang theory is an example of cration
9. Cosmology is the study of the universe so some scientists could be called cosmoligists
10. Sacrifice would be like someone giving their life to save an infant
11. Getting life out of death would be like how certian flowers die so that their seeds would make new life when the next flower grows
Mythology vocabulary
By: Geoff Siarkowski
1. A Myth is typically an ancient story dealing with super natural beings.
2. A Hero is a person celebrated for their bold exploits.
3. The Hero journey is the path in witch they follow witch applies to every hero’s life.
4. The word universal is a concept that applies to all.
5. An archetype is a foundation or an original model or a structure.
6. Something that is cyclical is a patterned outline of events that is consistent.
7. Duality is a balance between two things where there is no one without the other.
8. Creation is a product or invention as imagination.
9. Cosmology is the study of the world or universe.
10. Life out of death is when something dies something else is reborn

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

demeter and persephone

Demeter and Persephone
The story of Demeter and Persephone is very similar to the story from the bible about Adam and Eve; therefore, you can compare and contrast the two stories. Also, it teaches how important to have strong self-discipline and to not to give in to temptation. When looking at this story it is good to break it into three parts like natural, social, and psychological.

Now on a natural level, one day there was a beautiful young goddess of the spring named Persephone who was kidnapped by Hades, the king or ruler of the underworld. Also Persephone had a mother, Demeter, the goddess of corn, who seemed unable to get over the fact that her daughter was kidnapped, From Hades point of view things could not be better. He has a wife now and he is not alone any more.

Now moving on to the next level of interpretation the social level get a little deeper inside the characters. From Demeter’s social level she is a good mother who likes growing corn to provide food and nourishment for her people. Persephone was a happy young and innocent little girl. Hades, however, is a mean taker-of-life and happiness just all around bad guy.

From a psychological view of this myth, Demeter is probably feeling pain from the loss of her daughter being kidnapped. And from Persephone’s point of view she was probably homesick and feeling hate towards Hades for kidnapping her and taking her to the under world.

To conclude this essay on Demeter and Persephone, read the story of Demeter and Persephone because it was cool and you could learn about history and other cultures.